Saturday, August 05, 2006
Tim's late night diary
Well, I've just found out that Vikki has written a post, so I thought that I should try to rustle up one too. Well, wedding fever is creeping back again. After we had booked the church and reception venue, and Vikki had found her dress, wedding plans took a little bit of a back seat, but we are well and truly back in to the swing of things now, what with this web site, date reminders (it's on 23rd December remember!), band booking and also the small fact of attending the church. Vikki is actually going to go to the church by herself tomorrow because I'm doing stuff at church, but we're cutting it rather fine with attendance, because we're meant to have been attending the church for 6 months before the wedding. Hmmmm.

Talking of the church, we had our marriage preparation day last weekend with the church. It was good fun, but pretty intense. We watched about 6 hours of a DVD that had Nicky and Sila Lee talking about marriage! But we did learn some interesting things. Like the fact that we have rather differing dinner table or conversation etiquette. Basically I wait for people to finish, whereas Vikki interrupts! There were some other interesting chats that we had during the day- I found out that Vikki doesn't find me funny, which was a bit of a bombshell, but there's no accounting for taste with her; just look at who she's marrying.

So one marriage prep course down, one to go. We've got another one, this time with our church (Vineyard), and spread over several weeks. It should be a lot of fun, but I'll be honest, I'm expecting fireworks! I'll keep you up to date with how it goes as they happen.

But I think that is a suitably lengthy diary entry (although I never kept a diary, so I'm just not sure).

Au revoir, Tim.
Blogger luke said...
nice blog you got there,
i'll be keeping myself up to date.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Trevor, you are a bad person.

Blogger Andy said...
6 hours?!!

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